O ne may say - it is just another broker in the computer market. But! Before setting up my own business I have worked in an air shipping company, later changing my career and moving into a purchases department of a large computer parts trader. I have gained quite significant work experience which I would like to share with you. While working for my employers I have realized how to efficiently manage purchases as well as deliveries for the clients.
We focus on quite a narrow product line which is more an advantage, since one cannot be the best across a wide range of goods. And we strive to be the best!
- CPUs
- Memory modules
- Hard drives
- SSDs
- SSD controllers
- Servers
That is everything inside a PC or a server. Such choice of products was determined by their relatively high value and low weight which enables us to deliver them quickly by air to any part of the world at a low cost relative to the total order value
To create a narrowly defined marketplace for wholesale clients with high level of service and competitive prices. We would like to share with you our knowledge and experience for the long term cooperation and to make our relationship a lasting one so that you would come to us again and again like to an old chap whom you have known and trusted for many years. It is our clients' trust that we see as our main goal.
In this section you may see our product line. It is quite narrow but this allows us to respond to price changed in the market in a swifter and more efficient way. Managing thousands of items is easier than tens of thousands, besides the information is more up-to-date
- Intel
- Kingston
- Samsung
- Kingston
- Samsung
- WD
- Toshiba
We work with a number of logistics and courier service companies
They include:

We shall offer our clients any form of delivery they may choose